Saturday, January 28, 2012

No more to-do lists!

Last year, I put together a list of things I wanted to do before the end of the year. I should really stop doing these. I suck at them. I completed some of them, so here’s the update – and no updates on if I’m going to complete them. I’m done with lists… for now. LOL

Use the steamer my mother bought me.
No longer on the list. My sister has the steamer now.

Use the backyard for something – anything!
The weather was too weird to try to do anything. Hot, cold, super cold, rainy, repeat.

Make a chocolate cake from scratch.

Make a new icing.
Done and done.

Make paella.
Still would like to try… one day.

Use lobster.
Done and done. I made two dishes – broiled lobster in a butter cream sauce, and creamy lobster pasta.

Try a new restaurant every month.
Yup, completed. Can’t remember the restaurants, but I know I definitely did this one. Here are a few:
Chow Down Uptown @ The Music Factory – Charlotte, NC (food truck festival in Charlotte)
Captain’s Galley – Concord, NC
Spice 9 Indian Cuisine – Concord, NC
Village Inn Pizza Parlor – Statesville, NC
Petwer Rose Bistro – Charlotte, NC
Clock of Gaffney – in Gaffney, SC

Shop at the farmer’s market.
Did it. And doing it again this weekend, I think. I am venturing the Charlotte Farmer’s Market this weekend for flowers.

Pay off all of our (the boy and I) medical bills.
Ugh, still working on mine. The boys’ bills are done.

Give back to the arts.
We didn’t have much time to do this. I was thisclose to going to see the Nutcracker, but didn’t quite make it. Still hoping to enjoy the arts more in the New Year.

Lose five more pounds.
Haha, this was a joke. I gained! Boo.

Making any more lists? Not anytime soon!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy New Year… Nearly a Month Late

It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged – and it’s mostly because I’ve been super busy. The holidays were so busy and crazy. I went through physical and emotional lows and highs. We had many sicknesses. We traveled a lot more than we anticipated. I worked – a lot.

But most of all, we got spend time with a lot of people we love. We are so blessed with so many wonderful friends and family and that we got to ring in the new year with them.

So where does this leave us in the New Year? Happy. Life is good.

I lost my grandmother, but I still have my wonderful family and friends.

My parents are still awesome.

My sister is preggers and expecting a boy.

Sebastian is still with us – fat and healthy.

And the love of my life is still the love of my life.