Monday, October 17, 2011

Garden update

One of my first big projects when we moved into our house was to get my container garden started. And I’m so excited about how successful my garden has been. Over the last few months, I’ve been doing several things to keep my garden fertilized and growing. This includes mixing garden soil with soil from my parent’s house, putting grass clippings and dead flowers into the garden for fertilization, and watering at least twice a week if it hasn’t rained.

I learned while growing my basil plant in a single pot, that I should not water it all the time. At one point, I was watering the plant every day. It wasn’t growing as well as I had hoped. Then I had my gallbladder surgery and I asked the boy to water it while I was away. He forgot/didn’t, and the plant looked 10x healthier. That’s when I resolved to water it a LOT less often! LOL

Less than three months later, my basil looks fantastic! In fact, I have too much of it. I spent nearly 30 minutes yesterday pruning and planning how I was going to use it all.
And I have several other herbs growing in my garden. My parents brought me lemon grass, green onions and mint leaves from their own garden about two months ago – and they look so good now. I’ve even used them.
AND now, it’s finally a good time to grow cilantro. Yesterday, I put some coriander in the ground.

I also went to my parent’s house yesterday and plucked several stems of a drying Thai basil plant. After a basil plant matures and flowers, the stems dry up and what’s left over on the stems are known as carpels. These dry and brown as the seeds mature. Then, you can de-seed the plant by crumbling the carpels between your fingers.
That’s what I plan to do with these stems from my mom’s garden. Then, I’ll plant them into my garden so I’ll have both Thai and sweet basil next year!

The only sad thing now is that I have no room for anymore herbs. The garden that I originally thought was going to be too big, is now just right. So excited!

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