Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yes, it's Monday

Well as I'm writing this, it's barely past midnight... But I will still include it as Monday because it feels like a LONG week already. Because I want to go to bed earlier tonight, I'm going to just do a short (maybe long) list.

1. It sucks when you find something perfect but you decide for all that it would be best to let it go. Ugh... bye bye perfect dress.

2. I've not showed Sebastian a lot of love the past few days because I found out he has tapeworms. This morning felt like the longest when I had to go to the vet, get him tested, get drugs and then follow him around until he pooped. Yuck... I think I made up for lost love this evening though.

3. The boyfriend thinks he can really take on having a dog. He wants to keep Sebastian for a week. Could I possibly part with my other half for a week?

4. As I'm getting ready for bed, I am wondering if I can trust Sebastian in the bathroom tonight. It's become his favorite place to sleep because I always move him out of the kitchen into my room. The bathroom is the halfway point between the two so I guess it's his way of compromising. Take a lesson from this dog boys! I have trust issues with Sebastian and the bathroom because lately, his favorite thing to do is to unroll my toilet paper. The other day, I found him halfway in the tub. Maybe he's more human than I thought!

5. I watched the Teen Choice Awards tonight. Wow, do I feel old! Thanks to my obsessive TV-watching habits now, I did know a number of the so-called "teen stars" of today. Here's to the Jonas Bros (yes, I have "Camp Rock" in the DVR hold, but have yet to watch), Gossip Girl crew (in the box every Monday - even reruns!), Miley (go'on wit yo bad self hosting the show, you can tell she is so commercial) and Hayden
Panettiere (yes I had to look up how to spell that).

6. I DVRed "Finding Nemo" in high def today. Actually DVRing now. Let's hope it's truly in high def so I can anticipate seeing it on Blu-ray. Rumored to not happen until February 09.

7. I DESPERATELY need to be laying in bed by 11 p.m. more often!!!

8. Goooooooooood night!


Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog.

Dr. Thomas C. Millinghouse III

Anonymous said...

Problem solved w/ the TP!! :)
