Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's been a fantastic week!

Despite all the awful rain this week, I am feeling like I am truly having a blessed week. Perhaps it’s my reward because I was patient beyond belief last week, especially since I had the two dogs and got very little sleep. Even this weekend, I didn’t get to catch up on sleep because I wanted to be attentive to the babies. Perhaps I should see the rain in a symbolic way – a great thing that is washing away all the drainage I felt last week. Does that even make sense?

Anyway, here is my list for the week, hopefully with short descriptions. Instead of a random list, this is a list of things that have helped to make this an absolutely great week.

1. The boy got a big raise, which equals good things to come in the near future!

2. I finally opened a YouTube account! I don’t know why that is so great, but in the future, I hope it will be beneficial. LOL

3. Sebastian is showing me how completely grateful he is to have me in his life. He’s wanted to cuddle SO much this week and I am LOVING it. Perhaps he is sensing that he is going to be having a pretty important procedure next week… Snip snip.

4. My dad turns 50 this year, and we’re going to throw a HUGE party! Best part – I’m getting to do decorations. My decorating service is officially open for business!

5. I got to see John Mayer AND OneRepublic in concert – FOR FREE! I swear I am DESTINED to be a John Mayer fan because this is the second show I didn’t think I would get to go to, but got FREE tickets!

6. I have a new friend in Greensboro, and she’s awesome! So far we’ve already shared a sporadic John Mayer concert experience in Raleigh, danced, had a few brews and got soaked all on the concert lawn in the rain, ate free pizza at a school neither one of us attended, drove the opposite direction on a one-way street, got lost in the ghetto, and learned about each other’s past 20ish years!

7. I’ve discovered some really great shows on BBC America. I’m officially adding “Skins” and “Gavin and Stacy” to my DVR queue.

8. My Netflix is back, yo! And it kicked off with a great movie, “Les Choristes.” Tomorrow I get the first “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.”

9. I’m excited to be getting back into politics. It’s going to be a great election season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My name is Daphne Mays and I work for BBC America. I found you through this post mentioning "Skins" and thought I'd get in touch. We're working really hard to get the word out about the show, and we have a lot of great media to share. We'd love it if you could post about the show again, and include some of our exclusive content. Would you be at all interested in doing this? We have exclusive video interviews with the cast and exclusive photos that haven't been released to the press, so you'd definitely be giving your readers some inside information.

Please let me know if you'd like me to send you any of our assets, we would love to have your help in promoting this awesome show!

Daphne Mays
BBC America