Monday, November 7, 2011

A super lazy weekend

The boy and I had a very good, very lazy weekend – and I was reminded again why I like to stay busy. This was probably one of the laziest weekends I’ve had in a long time and I could not be more disgusted with myself. At least, if I have a lot going on, I am active and more motivated.

I got up at 8 a.m. on Saturday but didn’t actually start the day until 1. I sat around, ate breakfast and caught up on TV during that time. And then Sunday, I didn’t get out of bed until 11 a.m., the latest I’ve slept in since I started working.

I decided to try to overcompensate for my laziness. I started planning for Christmas gifts and our Holiday décor. I was even ambitious enough to try a new recipe that I thought would be very difficult.

I made this delicious ratatouille recipe from Smitten Kitchen. Look how beautiful it is:
And I bought our first piece of Christmas decoration, mistletoe:And I expect many kisses this holiday season!

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