I am having anxiety over our future wedding… and we’ve not even started planning it.
I've only had two types of dreams since we got engaged. I'm either being courted by other men even though I'm engaged or I'm freaking out to or about someone doing something for the wedding.
I really want to be swept off my feet.
I really want to be surprised – by one of the MANY ideas I suggest. Or a great idea that Tim actually puts thought into.
I’m still disappointed and sad about how we got engaged.
But I’m still an amazing girlfriend/fiancée/future wife to be. Today I mowed the lawn. And I really mowed it. I didn’t discover how to activate the self-pull until I had already mowed half the lawn! My 2-week-old garden boots look like they're old now.

And I packed a pretty thoughtful care package for Tim’s trip.
It’s been two months since we got rid of the Christmas tree – and I’m still sweeping up needles.
It’s been five months since we saw Rocky Horror Picture Show – and I’m still sweeping up confetti.
He gets brownie points for buying me tulips.

I locked myself out of the house today. With no phone. The neighbors tried to help. Luckily, I found one tiny unlocked window and managed to get three panes of window opened (our windows are double paned – in addition to a screen). Arg.
I will always make sure this window is locked. Ugh.
It is so early in the morning that I can hear the birds already chirping.
Headed to bed. Good night or morning!
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