Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wedding Woes

I've been trying to blog about this wedding but it's been hard to find time...

Man, planning this wedding has been a pain in the ass. Well, at first everything was so easy… but it was too good to be true.  We’ve been thinking about wedding plans since last summer – at least getting idea of real costs. A few years ago, I put together an estimate for how much our wedding would actually cost. I put the real numbers against it last summer.

And finally in December, the boy said we should probably actually start putting things in action. We picked a venue, a date, the program, catering options, decorations – even the photographer – you know, the big stuff.

Then we started to share our information with people, which just opened up a whole can of worms. Seriously – I can’t believe how many people tell you it’s your day and then tell you how you should do it. So frustrating.

It’s been one thing after another. I got in a big argument with my mom about the food, the location, the entertainment, the program. Our venue got sold – the day we were going to put down the deposit. All other potential venues have additional costs that we didn’t have to worry about before = budget blown.

And that’s why we’ve decided to do a small, private destination wedding. And we’ll just come back and party later. More details to come, but a breath at last. 

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