Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Little Things in Life are the Best!

So I absolutely LOVE Pandora. You put in a favorite song and/or artist, and the program pulls up songs that are similar. Then as you listen, you can rate songs you like and don't like, creating an overall better playlist of songs to fit what you want to hear. After weeks of nagging him to try, I got this e-mail from him the other day...

"Pandora knows me pretty well….started with Flaming Lips…then Modest Mouse then Beatles….then Radiohead.

Sorry it took me so long to try it."

I told him that this e-mail was one of the best I had received in a long time. It shows he listened and he appreciated my thoughts. A rare time, but happy that it happened. Isn't that sad that a gesture so small and insignificant was so significant to me? It's all about the little things in life!

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