Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall TV Update

I must be crazy to think I can get all that TV in. Between work, the dog, dinner and other chores, I can reasonably get 2 hours of TV in during the evenings. So for that reason, I am removing a lot of shows off my list.

Here they are, in case you were interested. LOL

ABC, Dancing with the Stars
There is a FULL recap on Tuesdays, so why do I need to watch it on Monday? And well, I can always watch this On Demand.

NBC, The Playboy Club
Just couldn’t find the time…

CW, Ringer
Just couldn't find the time.

I have not officially started watching “New Girl” yet, but I think I’m going to record it tonight and give it a try.

I’m still debating between America’s Next Top Model or The X Factor. Ugh. Nothing is officially dropped yet though.

NBC, Whitney
The first episode did not sell me on this show at all. It was so bad that I don’t even want to continue. This is exactly what happened when I started watching “Community.” I should’ve kept up with that show though, because apparently, it’s awesome now. Oh well.

HGTV, Donna Decorates Dallas, ongoing
Ugh, just not as interesting as I thought it would be. I’m about to cut Dina’s Party as well, so I’m reading descriptions before I record.

FOOD Network, The Great Food Truck Race, ongoing
I’m sad that the season is over, but glad this opens up some TV time!

ABC, Pan Am
I don’t think I’m interested enough to start watching this show.


Jennifer Welborn said...

Really? I freakin' loved Whitney! Too bad it comes on at the same time as Bones and Grey's Anatomy (neither of which I am willing to miss). Once Bones is back on I won't be able to watch it anymore :(

elizaforshiza said...

I watched the first Pan Am and it looks pretty good.