Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Getting used to this new diet

So far, I’m doing OK on this new diet. There are a few things I love about it. I love that I can drink as much apple juice as I want. And I LOVE apple juice. I can also drink as much cranberry juice as I want. Yay!

I also have a ton of applesauce and Jello in the fridge. Not sure when I’ll get to those, but they are great snacks.

I realized today that I do not like oatmeal though. It’s on the list of approved foods. I want to say I used to like it. I thought it was crunchier but after making it today, I don’t think I can do the mush. I even got the apple cinnamon mush. Just not my cup of tea.

Well, the boy's just left me to go to work. Yesterday was his first full day back, and I missed him like crazy. I did everything I could to keep myself busy – laundry, cleaning, cooking (food I couldn’t eat!), watching TV, etc. And I still missed him. I need a job. I need to be preoccupied! That’s why I decided this morning to make a to-do list of big projects this week! Hopefully I’ll stay busy, but not be too exhausted! Here goes nothing!


elizaforshiza said...

I'm right there with you on needing things to do. Call me, we'll hang out!

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way about oatmeal until I started making my own mixes! Try cooking up some apples, cinnamon, brown sugar, and vanilla extract then add it to plain oatmeal. You can do the same with all kinds of fruit! I know you have all the baking stuff so experiment! So much better than the prepacked stuff. ~cat

nvang said...

Thanks for the tip Cat! I tried the apple cinanamon mix. Couldn't get past the mush... :( Maybe I should not be having the prepackaged stuff.

Love you!