OK, I take it back. I was not really ready to start Monday because I was still tired from this weekend! We were planning to go to the Cabarrus County Fair on Friday, but instead Tim surprised me with dinner plans.
I spent nearly all of Saturday baking and watching increments of Star Wars: A New Hope. The boy just got the entire series on Blu-ray and because I’ve never seen the ones that count – the original three – our goal was to watch them this weekend. We only got through one, unfortunately pausing them every 20 to 30 minutes so I could run to the kitchen. Maybe we can try again next weekend.
Then that evening, we headed uptown Charlotte to celebrate one of our girl friends’ birthday and her last few days of singledom. I actually stayed out until 2 a.m., which I haven’t done in a while. I felt old. I need to figure a way to get more energy throughout the day. I guess it didn’t help I got up at 7 a.m. that day.
And then Sunday, we tagged along on a trip to the mountains with some friends. We hiked a mountain for like THREE hours! The entire trail was about 4.3 miles. And we had to climb the stairs from hell to get back to the car. Seriously, there were like 100 stairs to climb – and up a mountain! The photos below do not quite show how crazy those stairs were.

Needless to say, I was EXHAUSTED after that.
Overall, a great weekend… But I was not quite ready to get out of bed this morning.
Better Put a Ring On It
I gotta be honest – I am waiting for the day the boy proposes. I’ve been finding myself wearing a ring – any ring - these days. Maybe my body is instinctively preparing itself for the day it happens!
People say that it’s my fault he hasn’t done it. And I agree. But I don’t want him to tell me he’s going to do it. He can surprise me by just not telling me. It’s that simple. Don’t tell me you’re going to do it. Be spontaneous and nervous – and then do it!
Good Changes
Work has automatic paper towel dispensers in our bathrooms. I’m that person that would normally swipe my hands at least two times to get enough paper to dry my hands. But I am making a commitment to try to use JUST ONE for here on out. They must be set to dispense just that one for a reason, right? Remember, I’m trying to make positive changes! I’m going to add this one to the list!
So far, one has been plenty. Change done!
Even though I say I get tired of the boy who turns everything into a joke, I love that he’s always thinking. He wants to write a book titled, “The Answers to Questions that People Never Ask.” Well, he would ask – but he’d be the only one.
Love him.
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