Monday, November 21, 2011
25 things about me
1. I enjoy folding grocery bags. I used to be really bad about not throwing away grocery bags. I’d just stick them in bigger bags. I used them for my bathroom and bedroom trashcans. And then I got a dog. I knew it was bad when I moved from Greensboro to Kannapolis because I had several large bags of bags. That’s when I started folding bags. I needed them to be easy to grab and tie around Sebastian’s retractable leash. Amazingly, we used all of the bags (thanks to my use of reusable, eco-friendly bags) and had to purposely get more while shopping. And I fold those bags now, too.
2. This is a fact – I think that was a ridiculously long explanation for why I fold grocery bags.
3. I really can’t cook. I pretend like I can, but I’m not inventive in the kitchen. I just follow directions well.
4. I do love to bake. I guess everyone already knows that.
5. I am so happy in my life. Right now. Just as it is.
6. I love surprising Tim with little things, like a pecan pie at the end of the day.
7. I watch too much TV.
8. I’ve never been to the West Coast. In fact, the farthest I’ve traveled West is to Kansas City.
9. I love beer. And wine. If I didn’t drink so much, I would lose weight a lot easier.
10. Children’s movies are my drug. After I had my gallbladder removed this summer, I went to stay with my parents for a week. I brought nothing but children’s movies for me to watch. And it was amazing.
11. I really watch the worst TV shows – ever.
12. I love men with curly hair. Seriously, Chris Martin might be my ultimate dream man – with his hair grown out. I wish my kids could have curly hair but that’s highly unlikely as I have straight black hair and the boy has pretty straight dirty blond hair.
13. I enjoy lots of kisses – from Tim and from Sebastian!
14. The worst kind of kiss is right after Tim smokes.
15. I dislike when Sebastian picks Tim over me.
16. I think I like the idea of being a mom, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to deliver as a good parent.
17. I am a pretty awesome pet owner. Sebastian is super spoiled – and for good reason!
18. I think I ask too many questions. Sometimes.
19. I like the idea of trivia, but I am the absolute worst person to have with you at a trivia competition.
20. I have watched The Simpsons almost every night before bed for seven years, and I still can’t name all the characters in the show, or remember story lines before the episode actually starts.
21. I haven’t been to the theaters since this summer. And I used to go see 1-2 movies every month, sometimes even in one week
22. I find it hard to spent more than $20 on any piece of clothing. Seriously, I am a bargain shopper.
23. I am a bargain shopper. I read lots of circulars every week.
24. I dislike when I have a broken nail. I really, really dislike it.
25. I found it really hard to write 25 things about me. It has actually been over a week since I started this list.
Monday, November 7, 2011
A super lazy weekend
I got up at 8 a.m. on Saturday but didn’t actually start the day until 1. I sat around, ate breakfast and caught up on TV during that time. And then Sunday, I didn’t get out of bed until 11 a.m., the latest I’ve slept in since I started working.
I decided to try to overcompensate for my laziness. I started planning for Christmas gifts and our Holiday décor. I was even ambitious enough to try a new recipe that I thought would be very difficult.
I made this delicious ratatouille recipe from Smitten Kitchen. Look how beautiful it is:

And I bought our first piece of Christmas decoration, mistletoe:

Sunday, November 6, 2011
A beautiful wedding
Anyway, while Conan O'Brian was filming his talk show in New York last week, he married two men since New York passed their same-sex marriage law this summer. Seriously, I love how giddy and in-love these two are. It even brought tears to my eyes. Watch and enjoy!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A farmer's market shopping trip

I found out that the hours were from 3-6 p.m., so I hurried home this Thursday so we could check it out. Here’s a picture of my purchases. I bought all the fresh ingredients I needed to make ratatouille and even some homemade blackberry jam for breakfast. I do plan on going back because there was a lady who was selling a rosemary plant, which will be a great addition to my herb garden.
Needless to say, I enjoyed the farmer’s market and I feel like it’s something I’ll be doing again soon. My sister says I should go to the one in Charlotte because the flowers there are amazing. I’ll definitely have to put that on the to-do list for an upcoming weekend!
Friday, November 4, 2011
90s themed Halloween party
I REALLY wish I had taken more photos because I really tried to make this party cute and fun, but here’s one of my favorites.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Garden update
I learned while growing my basil plant in a single pot, that I should not water it all the time. At one point, I was watering the plant every day. It wasn’t growing as well as I had hoped. Then I had my gallbladder surgery and I asked the boy to water it while I was away. He forgot/didn’t, and the plant looked 10x healthier. That’s when I resolved to water it a LOT less often! LOL
Less than three months later, my basil looks fantastic! In fact, I have too much of it. I spent nearly 30 minutes yesterday pruning and planning how I was going to use it all.

I also went to my parent’s house yesterday and plucked several stems of a drying Thai basil plant. After a basil plant matures and flowers, the stems dry up and what’s left over on the stems are known as carpels. These dry and brown as the seeds mature. Then, you can de-seed the plant by crumbling the carpels between your fingers.

The only sad thing now is that I have no room for anymore herbs. The garden that I originally thought was going to be too big, is now just right. So excited!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Chocolate Butter Cream Icing

Here’s the recipe for chocolate butter cream.
2 sticks of room temperature butter
2 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla
2-3 tablespoons heavy cream
Cream together the butter and sugar. Gradually add the cocoa powder. Add just enough cream to get the consistency for spreading (I used 2 tbs). Add the vanilla.

Thursday, October 13, 2011
New restaurants
Of course being so social has its benefits. Tim and I were able to knock out another one of my to-dos before the end of the year. We went to TWO new restaurants in the last few weeks.
Things I'll Never Say
Only difference is, I'd say these things to him today... :P
Cuz he's worth it.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Fall TV Update
Here they are, in case you were interested. LOL
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Our Saturday morning project
The boy is all about his entertainment center. And I guess he never planned to get a cable box. Since we’ve moved in together, we have been talking about getting a new entertainment center because as you see in the picture below, ours is too small.
We had looked at Walmart, Target, K-Mart and Sam’s Club, but found nothing we liked. We decided we needed to expand our search. I guess the problem was our criteria:
Friday, September 23, 2011
South 21
Potential obstacles for not completing this to-do were:
-Wanting to go to favorite restaurants I haven’t been to in a while,
-Risk of trying something I’ve never tried,
-Not be able to find time,
-The boy having an issue with the restaurant – the food, price, location, etc.
We both were working until 5 p.m. in the University area Tuesday, so we decided to try out a (very) local restaurant, South 21.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
A formal dining room or a good reading room?
Just in the last few weeks, I’ve started to realize that I dislike how big our dining room table is. We had six people at our dining room table for dinner a few weeks ago, and I thought it felt crowded in the space. We currently have it cornered in our fairly large kitchen. There is space in our house for a formal dining room, but we currently have it set up as a reading room/den. We also have an extra bedroom that we are using as a junk room/office/Sebastian’s bedroom.
So, I brought up the question last night to the boy about moving things around. My idea was to move our reading room into the extra room and use our formal dining room space as, well, a formal dining room.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Gavin vs. Matt vs. Mat
I’m always looking for new music to listen to. Surprisingly, there have been a few CDs I want to buy. It seems so retro to me, especially now that most people just get MP3s, including me. But I still like the feel of having the CD and putting it into my car. I’ve been debating which of these CDs to buy:
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
For the rest of the year
Actually, I’m going to change and add things as well. I really do like trying new things, so I’m going to try much harder. Not that I didn’t try harder before. I was actually really busy this summer! It was ambitious for me to try to do them all in just two months.
Also, the boy surprised me by getting me a KitchenAid mixer. In a previous post, I said my ideal situation for making fresh pasta would be to have this mixer and its attachments. Now all I need are those attachments that cost anywhere between $150 – 200. So that will come another day.
Side note: Even though I have this awesome mixer, I’m kind of tired of baking. Isn’t that horrible? It’s just that when I bake something, it takes the boy and me at least two weeks to finish it.
So, here is the new list!
Tuesday, Tuesday
Monday, September 19, 2011
Random thoughts…
OK, I take it back. I was not really ready to start Monday because I was still tired from this weekend! We were planning to go to the Cabarrus County Fair on Friday, but instead Tim surprised me with dinner plans.
I spent nearly all of Saturday baking and watching increments of Star Wars: A New Hope. The boy just got the entire series on Blu-ray and because I’ve never seen the ones that count – the original three – our goal was to watch them this weekend. We only got through one, unfortunately pausing them every 20 to 30 minutes so I could run to the kitchen. Maybe we can try again next weekend.
Then that evening, we headed uptown Charlotte to celebrate one of our girl friends’ birthday and her last few days of singledom. I actually stayed out until 2 a.m., which I haven’t done in a while. I felt old. I need to figure a way to get more energy throughout the day. I guess it didn’t help I got up at 7 a.m. that day.
And then Sunday, we tagged along on a trip to the mountains with some friends. We hiked a mountain for like THREE hours! The entire trail was about 4.3 miles. And we had to climb the stairs from hell to get back to the car. Seriously, there were like 100 stairs to climb – and up a mountain! The photos below do not quite show how crazy those stairs were.

Needless to say, I was EXHAUSTED after that.
Overall, a great weekend… But I was not quite ready to get out of bed this morning.
Better Put a Ring On It
I gotta be honest – I am waiting for the day the boy proposes. I’ve been finding myself wearing a ring – any ring - these days. Maybe my body is instinctively preparing itself for the day it happens!
People say that it’s my fault he hasn’t done it. And I agree. But I don’t want him to tell me he’s going to do it. He can surprise me by just not telling me. It’s that simple. Don’t tell me you’re going to do it. Be spontaneous and nervous – and then do it!
Good Changes
Work has automatic paper towel dispensers in our bathrooms. I’m that person that would normally swipe my hands at least two times to get enough paper to dry my hands. But I am making a commitment to try to use JUST ONE for here on out. They must be set to dispense just that one for a reason, right? Remember, I’m trying to make positive changes! I’m going to add this one to the list!
So far, one has been plenty. Change done!
Even though I say I get tired of the boy who turns everything into a joke, I love that he’s always thinking. He wants to write a book titled, “The Answers to Questions that People Never Ask.” Well, he would ask – but he’d be the only one.
Love him.
Nobody looks forward to Monday
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
What a weekend
Here are the shows I’ll be tuning into on Saturdays.
Friday, September 16, 2011
A conscious decision
I’ve never been a very environmentally conscious person, but now that Tim and I are living together, I’ve made some considerations on how we should live. Start and make them habits now, right? Not all of these are environment related, but they are all things that are going to help us in the long run (or at least I hope).
It is already Friday?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
My Thursday TV Line Up
8 p.m.
FOX, The X Factor
CW, The Vampire Diaries, starts today
I don’t know where this show is going… but I still really enjoy it. Sometimes, the storylines are a stretch, but what do you expect when you’re dealing with vampires, werewolves and other supernaturals?
8:30 p.m.
NBC, Parks and Recreation, starts Sept. 22
Between the Vampire Diaries and the X Factor, I have got to find a way to fit this show in. It’s one of my all-time favorite shows on NBC.
9 p.m.
NBC, The Office, starts Sept. 22
Dunder Miflin will not be the same without Michael Scott. How will it proceed? The show has since spun out a slew of breakout stars since its premiere nearly six years ago. Can Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, Ed Helms and team carry the show?
9:30 p.m.
NBC, *Whitney, starts Sept. 22
I don’t know anything about this show except it’s about Whitney Cummings. And I don’t even really know who she is. Don’t know if I’ll stick with this one.
9 p.m.
Lifetime, Project Runway, ongoing
Thank goodness for cable networks that re-run shows a million times. I can skip the 9 p.m. showing to fit in X Factor and the Office, and still enjoy the creative eye candy of this show at a later day.
11 p.m.
TBS, Conan
Comedy Central, The Daily Show
11:30 p.m.
Comedy Central, The Colbert Report
*new show
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Fall TV started this week!
It would have been more ideal for me to have posted this yesterday because my first show started then, but I will go with it and start with today. And keep in mind, these shows are in addition to me and the boy having SEPARATE Netflix accounts. By the time I’m done, you’ll wonder how I have time for anything else!
Here are my Wednesday shows.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
A few thoughts as the end of summer nears
- I didn't have a job going into it.
- I had to move – twice!
- My gallbladder was removed while I didn’t have health insurance. $$$$$ Recovery period = 30 days (July through early August)
- My aunt, who helped raise me, passed away.
- The boy had surgery to fix two hernias. Recovery period = 30 days (August through mid-September)
- I had to wake up to the boy throwing up because he got really sick one weekend. This is the first time he had thrown up in 10 years!
- We worried about paying the bills.
- We’ve had to learn to deal with each other’s pet peeves and bad habits.
- We’ve fought – and fought.
- We have continued to deal with the boy’s family’s drama, but on a much more limited scale. Still never fun.
- We’ve been super busy seeing lots of friends and family, traveling distances near and far. Sometimes the weekend trips to far distances were back to back weekends, sometimes back to back days.
But at the end of the day, I think the boy and I have been positive and remember all of the great things that have also happened for us. We are incredibly blessed and we truly learned that this summer. Some great things that have happened or helped us get through the months…
- We took Sebastian to the beach for the first (and last) time! He just hated it, but it was still fun to take a “family” trip.
- He asked my parents for my hand in marriage.
- We found a fantastic house to rent.
- We moved in together.
- I've had time for me.
- We got even closer – and continue to learn so much about each other every day.
- We’ve learned to say sorry – and to put arguments to rest just as quickly as they happen.
- We’ve both lost weight and eat much healthier!
- My family has been fantastic and so accepting of our relationship.
- We have amazingly supportive friends – some with whom we’ve grown even closer to.
- We have friends and family that love and care about us.
- We’re still so in love - and we say it more than ever.
- We laugh all the time.
- We are happy.
So, when I think about the hard times we’ve had, I am so thankful for all the great things that have happened and how they have helped us grow – not only as partners in this relationship, but also as friends, lovers and even as individuals.
I can’t wait to see what the rest of our lives hold.
Love you, Tim (and sometimes more than Sebastian).
Busy August

I prepped for his Harry Potter-themed birthday party. I attempted to create a version of the Book of Monsters from Harry Potter.
On top of this, I baked more than 40 cupcakes for a bachelorette party this weekend.
I am also beginning to prepare the house for out of town guests coming for my sister’s wedding.
My to-do lists only grows longer this week, so I finally took the time to write out some of things I HAVE to do this week.
- Decide on a groom’s cake that I’m going to bake for my brother-in-law
- Pick up and hope my bridesmaid dress fits
- Buy home essentials that I’ve been NEEDING to buy – like paper towels
- Get a great cake carrier – I had a great one from Martha Stewart but after this weekend, I’ve realized I need one that carries more than 24 cupcakes.
- Get cost estimates for our home office, especially a file cabinet
- Check out options for a liquor cabinet
- Find an inexpensive bookshelf for my serveware. This is my solution to having too many pieces!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Summer List Update
- I need to go buy a pasta machine. A cheap one - and probably not a great one - costs about $30. It's worth a try, right? This one might be put on hold until further notice. The ideal situation would be for me to get a KitchenAid stand mixer and get attachments to make pasta. But that could be years down the road!
- I did get really close to this with the cupcakes I made for my sister's bachelorette party. I made red velvet cupcakes with pink cream cheese icing, topped with white whipped icing piping. I don't have pictures though! If I get some, I'll post them!
- I've used parsley this summer for the first time. I don't think I'm a fan. I also cooked with shallots - and they were incredible. I still want to try something a little more difficult though. Maybe a root here or there. I don't know. We'll see!
- Nope. I think I'm going to cook fish with this, but I haven't decided when yet.
- I've gone out dancing twice already! But not in a fabulous outfit. I think I will just go ahead and say I can mark this one off though. Don't think fabulous and dancing will ever work out. I don't think I can stand wearing 4 to 6 inch heels that long!
- I finally treated the backyard for mosquitos so we need to do something ASAP. Ugh. Maybe I'll go out there and read tomorrow or this weekend...
- Nope, not yet.
The end of summer is near
Here are some random thoughts of the night...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Best dad ever
Seriously, my dad is pretty much the most amazing person ever. Without me even asking, he brought dirt for my garden this week. I have a container garden that is about 2-3 inches into the ground, and then 9-10 inches above it. I did this because the area is sloped. Overall, I think it looks good and would be usable – if we could fill it with good garden dirt (if you dig too far down, you hit clay dirt – which is very common in this area).
The boy and I had been trying to decide what our best option would be for dirt and trying to figure out how much that would cost. Well, my dad just saved us a ton of money – and my garden is ready for plants! We put in my two basil plants and my dad is bringing me green onion (and hopefully mint!) this weekend. I am excited to go buy other plants, including Thai basil, for my garden.
And as a side note, my dad told me I was pretty much crazy for trying to grow cilantro right now. He said it was too hot.
Other random thoughts for the day...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Garden inspiration
One thing I enjoyed doing while I was recovering at my parent’s house was taking long walks. They live way out in the country and on 4 acres. I absolutely love and admire my parent’s hard work around the house, especially their gardens. I remember how much I used to love working with them in the garden, which is why I want to have my own. Here are a few pictures I took while I was taking my afternoon walks.
Another week, another list

4. I should not cheat on my diet. I felt so sick on Sunday and yesterday. In fact, I did not eat lunch and just ate a light soup for dinner yesterday, and I feel so much better today. I guess I just needed to get everything out of my system. Back on the chicken and rice diet today. I did not each lunch, but I’m not even hungry. Arg. I need a regular schedule again.

11. Is it bad that I want to see the Glee In Concert movie? LOL
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Been laying around
After about a week of being at my parent’s house for recovery from my surgery, I was ready to be home in Kannapolis. Who knew my parents were so busy during the day and evenings? I saw my mom in the morning, my dad maybe once or twice during the day and then sometimes both of them for dinner at night. My aunt passed away a few weeks ago, so I know they were busy helping my cousins prepare for that. But I don’t know if that explains why they were always gone! I have to say though, it was nice being home and not having anything to do. The worst part was just running out of things to do – and feeling like I was on a routine of doing nothing. I would wake up, eat, watch a movie or read, take my medicine, sleep and repeat.
In total, I watched seven movies and read three books within four days (the first day at my parents, I just slept because I was drugged up on pain meds).
So needless to say, I was excited to be home so I could be a little more physically active and just be in my own space. I was a lot more active than I think I was supposed to be. The last few days, I’ve been so exhausted from errands, cooking, cleaning and well, just being me! I know I should rest more so my body will heal better, so that will be a big focus next week.
Well, here’s to starting off the weekend, though I have to say I think my weekend started on Thursday. We had our THIRD dinner guest :-) over, which was wonderful. And yesterday, we met one of the boy’s best friends and a high school friend for dinner. Today, we will be with my family for my aunt’s service, and tomorrow will be her burial. Lots going on for sure. Hopefully I’ll be able to sneak in a few naps over the next few days!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Operation Kitchen Re-organization
At my last apartment, I bought a wire corner shelf to help organize some of my spices. I figured they made regular storage shelves as well. After checking out Walmart, Sears, IKEA and Target online, I found that these wire shelves are called either stacking shelves or helping shelves. Who knew you had to be so specific to get estimated pricing?! I took measures of our storage space – about 18”x18” for the bottom and 18”x10” for the upper cabinets, and embarked on a little shopping adventure to get in-store pricing before I splurged.
A day in the life
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
My first herb
Summer List
If you can’t tell, I like lists. So here’s another list – list of things I’d like to do before the end of summer.
- Make fresh pasta.
- Make a REALLY pretty cupcake.
- Try a recipe with an ingredient I’ve never used.
- Use the steamer my mother bought me.
- Go out dancing in a fabulous outfit.
- Use the backyard for something – anything!
- Find a new recipe to make a chocolate cake from scratch. The last one I made was just OK.

Monday, July 11, 2011
From the Brilliant Mind of Tim
Broiled Chicken with Onion & Apples
Here’s the recipe with some of my own tried and true commentary (in italics):
- 2½ pounds chicken legs
- Salt and freshly ground pepper
- 2 large Vidalia onions, peeled
- 2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and quartered
- 2 tablespoons Bertolli extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 10-ounce jar Tabasco Spicy Red Pepper Jelly
- 3 lemons
- Fresh coarsely ground black pepper
Preheat broiler on low. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil. Season chicken generously with salt and pepper. Place chicken in center of pan. (I used two chicken leg quarters.)
Cut each onion into 12 thin wedges. Scatter onions and apples around chicken. (I actually ended up using only 1 onion and 1 Granny Smith apple.)
Drizzle everything with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Broil 10 minutes. Turn chicken over and stir apples and onions to expose uncooked surfaces. Turn broiler on high. Broil until chicken is charred and cooked through, about another 10 minutes. (I checked the chicken at 10 minutes and it was still unfinished, so I broiled it another 10 minutes to get that pretty crisp look.)
Meanwhile, heat pepper jelly in a small saucepan until melted. (I could not find pepper jelly to save my life – and I checked three stores! I ended up buying a chili pepper hoagie mix. I guess it worked OK. The boy liked it!) Peel the lemons and remove the pith. Dice the lemons, reserving the juice. Remove jelly from heat; add diced lemon and juice. Stir to combine and season to taste with salt and pepper.
To serve, spoon sauce on top of chicken, onions, and apples and top with fresh coarse-ground pepper.
I served this alongside stove-top, stir-fried green beans. I’ll definitely be trying this recipe again. It was so light and even on my diet – I could eat it!
Just see how much I can accomplish when I put my mind to it! LOL
To-do this week
I didn’t quite finish my to-do list last week, so I’m putting them on the list for this week – although my week will actually end on Wednesday because of Thursday’s surgery. But I will add a few items just to be ambitious.
From last week:
- Go through our DVD collections and organize them.
- Finish digging out and outlining my herb garden. (Last week, we got a lot of rain and this week, it's supposed to be super hot. Just don't know when I'll get to this...)
- Take more naps.
- Get creative ideas together for a new web site I’m building.
- Clear out the DVR before my surgery. This should be interesting because I’ve DVRed like 10 movies!
- Reorganize the kitchen so it looks less cluttered.
Grocery shopping
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Just a list of thoughts for today

2. It really pays to stick to my diet! I had pho for lunch yesterday – beef broth with rice noodles. And I was dying all day and I still feel some of it today. It’s mostly been heartburn, but nothing that has been too unbearable. I did make turkey burgers for dinner yesterday and they were delicious. I made them on the stove. I sandwiched the meat between two pieces of white bread, lettuce and tomato, and I used condiments!
3. We have some grass!
4. And we have more weeds.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The evolution of Sebastian's dog bowls

There is no denying the fact that Sebastian is the most spoiled dog ever. However, this fact became even more evident when the boy and I began to move in together. I’ve had Sebastian for three years now and it’s true, he’s the love of my life. The boy and I have equally shared the responsibility of spoiling the dog as much as we can – dinner table scraps, extra long walks, so many treats we’ve lost track of them all and a whole lot more. He even has his own bedroom with three actual dog beds and a pillow-turned-bed. This specific post is dedicated to the evolution of Sebastian’s dog food bowls and how even though he has had a perfectly good dog bowl set, we’ve continued to buy him more!
Now there is reasoning behind the fact that his dog bowls have changed, but it all points to the fact that we were simply spoiling the dog. LOL
Since I got HBO this week, I’ve been setting the DVR to record a lot of movies. I always do this when I first get HBO, but I slow down about three weeks into it. For now, I’m watching a lot of movies mostly out of boredom or trying to get through my Netflix queue.
Here are the movies I’ve watched this week:
Friday, July 8, 2011
A new list of food I can eat!
I can check off another thing on my list of to-dos after today. I scheduled my surgery for next Thursday!
The bad news is that I have to stick to this diet for another week. The good news is that I learned I can eat a lot more than I previously thought! Of all people, you’d think I would know not trust everything I see online. But for anyone else who might be looking for a list of approved foods pre- and post-gallbladder surgery, here are some of the things my surgeon confirmed I could eat (and are still good!).
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Three thoughts
How is it that I JUST discovered Cupcake Wars? I decided to record a few episodes this week and so far, I’m obsessed. It has taken me two episodes to get used to the format, because unlike other cooking competition shows I watch (like Top Chef, Hell’s Kitchen, etc), the competitors change each episode. It’s truly inspiring to see how chefs have infused unusual flavors into their cakes! I hope I’ll get to bake again soon because I’d love to try some of the things these people are doing.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Our friendly neighbors

Getting used to this new diet
Things to get done this week
- Go through our CD collections and organize them.
- Go through our DVD collections and organize them.
- Find “Water for Elephants” so I can re-read it.
- Finish digging out and outlining my herb garden.
- Take more naps.
- Take Sebastian on longer walks.
- Get HBO.
- Get creative ideas together for a new web site I’m building.
- Schedule my surgery.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
More gallbladder update
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy July 4th, and how it all went downhill
Friday, July 1, 2011
It's been a long time
- The boyfriend and I are officially living together (as of last week!)
- I've moved back to the Charlotte area (and looking for employment opportunities).
- I've met and gotten to know some wonderful people over the last few years.
- Sebastian is still the love of my life.
- The boyfriend is a close second. It'll be 7 years for us this year.
- TV is still an obsession (although, since it's summer, I've cut back my TV-watching a lot).
- I still have the most amazing family and friends!
- Still loving life!